Home Forums Diplomate Discussion Skin Cancer and Swollen Lymph Nodes Case

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    • #7205
      Alexa Go

      Hello everyone. I´m struggling with a heavy case and need your help: female (54) black skin cancer 2 years ago; developed in between 6 weeks a huge metastases in her gluteal muscle 3 months ago. Had surgery and radiation therapy 4 weeks ago, and her lymph nodes in her neck -lateral- enhanced to a size of a tennis ball. They arepainful. She developed a flu, but afterwards the glands were still growing. Her blood does´t show any tumor makers, but the MRT says that these are metastases again.Unfortunately her surgery is not until the end of next week…Her pulses: both cun are superficial, tight; left guan is superficial, wiry; right guan is little wiry, weak; both chi are deep, weak, thin. I was thinking of Bie Jia Jian Wan – tumor of the zang organ – but it contains herbs like shu fu, chi xiao and Zi Wei, which I cannot get. How can I replace them? Or is there another formula, which would suite better?Thanks in advance!

    • #7942
      Christoph Ludwig Beer

      Since she is getting surgery first, give her WBLXS for a month would be my first thought. In BJJW, you can get the “real deal” via Dominik Dominic Harbinson in the UK, who gets them from Simon Feeney in Australia. Otherwise, just leave those out and lift the dosages of Bie jia and TBC, but not beyond 15g. It might not hurt, but there is a reason ZZJ didn’t go strong on those. Once I added other insects like Wugong and Dilong since I had them…

    • #7945

      With swollen lymph glands and a wiry L guan, I’d consider treating Shao Yang first.

    • #8171
      Christoph Ludwig Beer

      Probably CHGZGJT 😉

    • #8172
      Alexa Go

      How about CHGZGJT +Bie Jia?

    • #7943
      Alexa Go

      Thank you Laurie!

    • #7944
      Marco Bergh

      Laurie Ayres, I truley love you becuase you care to answeer and reflect from within Chinese medicine. You., and Arnaud Versluys, Suzanne Robidoux, Sharon Weizenbaum are truly my heros… And I and many patiens thank you all..

    • #8173

      Not sure you need the BJ, though. You’ll probably need blood movement at some point, esp. if that R chi develops some tension or if you’re on the CHT for a while. Then start to incorporate GZFLW.

    • #8176

      Thank you very much; that’s really touching. I’m glad it helps. Though I have to be honest, I can’t take any credit, what I say is just passing on (a slightly lesser version of) what my teacher teaches 🙂

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