Home Forums Diplomate Discussion Sinus Congestion and GI Case

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    • #7164
      Clint Cain

      Hi, everyone. I’m still having a hard time getting this patient’s pulses and symptoms to shift. She does respond to XXT treatments mostly, but her nasal congestion continues (although she says it is 75% better), and sometimes she still gets some epigastric discomfort and loose stools, as well as sinus pressure. Maybe she’s been on XXT too long now (since March), and I need to do more direct warming of taiyin, perhaps with a GZRST. I also tend to combine my XXT with LGZGT and GG. Her pulses tend to be: L thin wiry, dong 1-2, rollup, and last time her L1 was slightly floating; R thin wiry weak, rollup. Also, sometimes R1 is tight. What do you guys think? She is coming in soon.

    • #7909
      Christoph Ludwig Beer

      Color of phlegm?

    • #7912
      Clint Cain

      I realize that I’ve basically already been giving her a GZRST with the Rx combos I mentioned, but also with cold and bitter herbs too. Maybe I need XQLT? I’ve been sticking with the XXT because at the beginning they worked really well and she was symptom-free for a bit. And, because her guan and chi tend to be level, along with a bit more wiriness in the R3.

    • #8047
      Clint Cain

      Clear and drippy in the mornings.

    • #7915

      Have you added XX already with the GJ in there? Also, with so much clear drippy nasal fluid, might this be an appropriate time to dose higher on the FL?

    • #7910
      Christoph Ludwig Beer

      Mike Trinh

    • #8048
      Clint Cain

      It sounds like that effect is due to the acupuncture. Maybe try a WTJNT+HQi, FL

    • #7911
      Christoph Ludwig Beer


    • #8049

      If it feels like an XXT + LGZGT pulse still, possibly just adding the XX as a modifier if XQLT doesn’t seem right.

    • #7913
      Clint Cain

      No cough to report. No, her main complaints are what I listed above: some sinus pressure around her eyes, clear nasal dripping, some epigastric discomfort. Those tend to be the things that keep coming up, and like I said, we’ve done XXT since March, with a little CHGZGJT in there as well.

    • #8050
      Clint Cain

      That’s what I’m debating.

    • #7914
      Clint Cain

      With the weak quality showing up in her pulses, especially on the R last time, I’m thinking I need more direct warming of taiyin without the cold bitter herbs. Hence, my thought of GZRST. She’s here now, so I’ll let you know what her pulses are and how she’s doing.

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