Home Forums Diplomate Discussion Menopause and Boil Case

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    • #7196
      Eti Chall

      Patient is 56 years old and just at the tail end of menopause. Has hot flashes several times a night. Shoulder pain on R side and large quarter size boil on deltoid–closed w/ pus underneath. Clear liquid exuded a week ago. Pulse was deep faint wiry left guan w/ a rollup. Right side was a large slippery cun w/ the guan bigger, but still deep and a strong rollup. I’m thinking HQJZT and modify with Painong San? Ideas?

    • #7934

      With deep faint pulses, pus not expressing and clear liquid, you could possibly also approach it from the angle of a cold abscess?

    • #8158
      Eti Chall

      That’s what Iï¸ was wondering.

    • #8163
      Eti Chall


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