Home Forums Diplomate Discussion Loose Stool Case and Formula Sequencing

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    • #7229
      Andrea Anderson

      Hey All,I am needing some help. I have a patient who first came to me complaining of chronic loose stools in the a.m., with clammy, sweaty body, particularly on her thighs and buttocks. Cold feet. Complains of being overweight since she had her child 15 years ago. Tired.Started off with GZRST. This helped the loose stools. Then she got sore throat and was given HQT, which also helped with the stools. However, she was continuing to have sweaty thighs and buttocks. Pulse was deep slippery overall with a slight irregularity; rolling up bilaterally. I gave GGHQHLT. This greatly reduced the sweating.Now she only feels a little sweaty if she wears synthetic clothing. She also feels pressure on her bladder with scanty urination. Recently not sleeping well – plans to move and can’t quiet mind to go to sleep. Complains of hair loss. BMs alternate between normal and slightly soft. She has some SOB with exercise. Tired. No fever.P: rolling up bilaterallyL 1. wiry/tight, 2 and 3 deep, slipperyR. 1 tight, 2 slippery, 3 deep, slipperyI am wondering if FLGCT would be the next step.

    • #7888

      TXS+FL maybe

    • #7889

      As she did well on GGHQHLT, maybe something to transition out of that? Maybe something like Shen Zhou Tang + Huang Lian and Huang Qin?

    • #7887

      TXS+FL maybe

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