Home Forums Diplomate Discussion Constipation and Dark Urine Case

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    • #7183
      Coleman McMurphy

      I’d like a bit of confirmation to make sure i’m Thinking correctly. One month ago a family member of mine got a severe upper respiratory infection with a severely painful cough, constipation and dark urine. After trying several formulas it responded with bulk GCXXT + GL, but she never fully got out of yangming it seems. Currently she is having constant abdominal distention, constipation with dry small bits, dark, hot feeling urine, itchy, hot hives in the chest, neck, upper back and dehydration. The distention makes her aversed to drinking or eating, and she has burning pain in the intestines, which can get severe. Seems like a good time for a CQT, so perhaps a TWCQT or DCQT? And would it need to be modified for the heat in the bladder with HS, or perhaps a ZLT? I am currently out of town and can’t take her pulse, but as of this past Tuesday, the right cun and guan were much bigger than normal for her, as they are usually deep and weak. The lft guan was elevated as well. Thanks!

    • #7921
      Arnaud Versluys

      With a dry cough and if there are hot hands and feet, you can use TWCQT. The hives and aversion to water intake make me think of THCQT though. But that would actually be quite a bad situation…

    • #7922
      Arnaud Versluys

      Cough with dark urine and heat feeling can also be Zhuling Tang, but that doesn’t fit with the dry stool.

    • #8124
      Arnaud Versluys

      If you know it, why do you aks me :p

    • #8125
      Coleman McMurphy

      I need confirmation, Good Captain. As you say, it’s yangming, so either you get out or you die.

    • #8126
      Arnaud Versluys

      Not the CQT patterns, though. Jjust the BHT 😉

    • #8127
      Coleman McMurphy

      On the other hand, a GZSYZMT could also be worth a try, as I think I recall AV telling us that MH does not need a superficial pulse if the damp is sitting at the organ level. Or go FZT, which would incorporate the deep wiry aspect plus roll-up of the ZWT plus the RS for the LHS dong I/II, and would sort of fit the symptom description. Heck, so many choices here with a deep pulse, that once again, it is hard to differentiate. Hence the insecurity…

    • #8128
      Coleman McMurphy

      https://www.treasureofeast.com/Treasure of the East Herbs, Distributor of Granule Chinese Herbs made by TianJiang pharmaceuticaltreasureofeast.com

    • #8129
      Christoph Ludwig Beer

      Arnaud Versluys, with the aversion to water intake, is that line 202 you’re thinking of? “When in Yangming, there is dry mouth and only a desire to rinse the mouth with water, no desire to swallow, there will be spontaneous external bleeding.”

    • #8131
      Arnaud Versluys

      I wasn’t. Was merely thinking of blood stasis lines.

    • #8132
      Arnaud Versluys

      BTW, 202 refers to THCQT equally.

    • #8133
      Christoph Ludwig Beer
    • #8134
      Coleman McMurphy

      https://www.treasureofeast.com/Treasure of the East Herbs, Distributor of Granule Chinese Herbs made by TianJiang pharmaceuticaltreasureofeast.com

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