Jingui Yaolue Abdominal Diagnosis Fukushin
Japanese abdominal diagnosis or Fukushin is the diagnostic art developed in medieval Japan based on the canonical writings by Zhang Zhongjing. Careful inspection of the Shanghan Zabing Lun reveals countless references to abdominal conditions that could only have been diagnosed by actual palpation of the abdomen. The skill however never fully developed in China but flourished in Japan. Fukushin 腹診 refers specifically to the style of abdominal diagnosis developed by Japanese scholars during the Edo period (1603-1867 CE) for the purpose of prescribing the Han dynasty formulas of Zhang Zhongjing.
As an integral part of the Canonical Chinese Medicine Training™ of Dr. Arnaud Versluys, Fukushin is taught to match the abdominal patterns with formula methods and formula families. The pulse diagnosis seminar introduces a lock-and-key system for recognizing pulses for the various prescriptions while the Fukushin part of the canonical training introduces the second leg of Zhang Zhongjing’s original diagnostic methods as a mirror to the practice of pulse diagnosis, allowing for a failsafe system of diagnostic checks and balances.
During the first three weekends of the Jingui Yaolue sequence, the practitioner learns about the etio-pathology of the various diseases of the Jingui. The fourth weekend instructs how to diagnose these conditions from the pulse. But pulse diagnosis is difficult and slow to grasp, as such Zhang Zhongjing used a secondary diagnostic tool of abdominal palpation to verify findings in the pulse. The two diagnostic methods in conjunction ensure accuracy and speed in identifying which formula is indicated. Furthermore, abdominal diagnosis can even clarify sometimes obscure pulse findings or identify certain conditions before they evolve to the pulse stage.
Through this training, the participant will learn the theory behind Jingui Yaolue abdominal diagnosis for complex diseases, including an in-depth understanding of the pathomechanism of the abdominal patterns, as well as the interpretation of these actionable findings and their direct translation into herbal treatment with classical formulas. The second part of the course will instruct in the hands-on procedure of the abdominal examination.